We were not born His Way; we were born Our Way

With Scott Lively there is no fair and reasonable, and one can’t use the word rational when speaking of the man. He’s all about adherence to his puritanical scruples, to his conscience which covers what is right and wrong with our inalienable rights.  Mr. Lively is a prisoner of his own conscience; yet he’s played the role of judge and jury and tried Man and found all of us guilty for our thoughts and our behaviors.  We are to be obedient to him and him alone; there is no sharing of ideas. Don’t bother thinking, my thoughts are the only worthy ones.  The core values of Democracy of   Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness still remain and Scott Lively would frustrate every one of them at every moment of his term.  Everyone has the right to live: Everyone has the right to live without the fear of injury or being killed by others.   And liberty once known will never be surrendered without fight, a liberty will not be given away to the likes of Mr. Lively!  Everyone has the right to pursue happiness in our own way.  Happiness is imprescriptible, meaning it is impossible to remove; or violate, it cannot be taken away. This, like love cannot be touched. 

Everyone is not born equal but everyone everywhere should  enjoy equal rights, everyone should know the absolute joy of their right to know and be known; to see and be seen to understand and be understood and that they are protected from those who would limit our choices or try to take away our autonomy.   Try to take away Man’s right to pray and Humpty Dumpty falls to the earth and all the kings’ horses and his men cannot put him back together again.  Try to take away man’s liberties and the same thing happens – try to take away the rights of GLBT and what happens? Why Chicken Little runs screaming far and wide, the ‘sky is falling the sky is falling; save us the sky is falling’ and everyone rushes to save the earth from hellfire and damnation. 

Bible heads – ah bubbleheads and doddering fools – The foolish and the grim reapers of misery and disaster who relish sending lies and telling myths. There is no market for anyone selling gay marriage to kids and believe it or not gay marriage is not now or ever will be a weapon of mass destruction.  Sighs and same gender couples are not using children as ‘guinea pigs.’

Everyone has the right to representation – Stand up- speak out – vote

Born His way: Hateful. I believe there is something deeper driving him that is not fear or phobia; it is what it is and it’s called HATE. He stands for oppression, slavery: death. Everyone has a purpose in life and Mr. Lively has one that is definitely purpose driven; an evilness done so thoroughly from a deep conviction for which he offers no excuse.

He’s a despot who knows how others should behave and live. [In theorem: By God everyone shall live my way or off with your head.] In practice he builds coalitions that hunt people down for loving differently. His drive: Moral Purity. Moral purity is more important than a person’s health and wellbeing. We’re either Born His way or Re-born His Way and no other way according to His standards; His word is law, and the verdict is always guilty.   

He claims protection of family:  Is it religious terrorism? The Despot’s curriculum vitae includes: Defend the Family International, a human-rights organization; a Juris Doctor of Law from Trinity Law School, a Doctor of Theology from the School of Bible Theology; a certificate in human rights from the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France. Writer: Authored the Riga Declaration on Religious Freedom, Family Values and Human Rights, additional books include “The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party,”

Human Rights are indivisible: The last time the voice of God was heard was through the mouth of Moses and since that time no other holy voice or authority has spoken. Apparently Mr. Lively heard otherwise and felt that he’s been granted the moral right to bypass Human rights. Indivisible rights which clearly state we are all equally entitled them.

What drives a man to call for coalitions that hunt people down for loving differently and deny people human rights?  We are all sentient beings having a human experience in the dream called Life; ok, call it what you will; nightmare, delusion, fantasy … no matter it is still Life and we are having our own human experience with it, and it is our very own Life not the property of anyone else. We were not born His Way; we were born Our Way. 

Born My Way or else: It can’t be stated any plainer or any simpler: Gendered attractions are not abnormal horrible or shameful abominations. Since the beginning of time gendered attractions have been noted and the world has not fallen into ruin as Moralists like Mr. Lively want others to believe. We are human beings first of all and each of us came into LIFE naked and innocent without knowledge; we came to experience LIFE. Religion can be described – it is definable with boundaries and limitations. God is imprescriptible and cannot be defined. Religion and religious attitudes and beliefs are part of what we learn and our spirituality is our devoutness to our religion. Spiritual faith is of the soul – first of religion secondly, it is that which connects us via the mind-heart to our spirit.

Born His way: Scott Lively claims to defend the family: The world needs healthy family role models not heterosexist terrorists: Families grow and change. There will always be times of clashes and stress, instability and uncertainty and our children should know we love them … We need to help them succeed at their own life business of being who they are; not carbon copies of ourselves.

A child is taught to hate: hostility is developed: We should never lock up our child’s heart and mind to blind obedience to our religious faith. Our faith should teach them to be responsible, to understand and value rules and laws for what they do and why we have them and what they are for. But our child’s faith should not be too stringent and harsh as to keep the child blind and unquestioning and too terrified to think outside the box. Our religious faith should free the mind, open it. A child is naturally curious: Our faith should teach them to be adventurous to be free to see things their own way and should teach them to be engaged in life, to search, learn, understand and find their own solutions.

Our religious faith should teach a child to be harmonious: – that all relationships are important; religion should allow a child to thrive and grow it should teach them to show empathy and sympathy. Our faith should teach them this above all – to let them be who they are.

Our religious faith should help them communicate and listen to affirm, support and respect each other and play together, teach them to have a sense of community and value service, and so much more. Above all our faith should teach them to love, to love themselves – their entire self in body, mind and spirit – this is what our faith should teach.

A church or a “spiritual” leader like Scott Lively who endorses enflames and entices others to deny human rights and encourages others to hunt down another human being who calls for a man’s death because he loves differently is morally evil.

Scott Lively is the last man on earth to be considered a family role model and I wouldn’t want to run into him in a dark alley on a dark night. Even if his venture into politics fails; sadly he will continue on with his mad quest.  

I wonder who is underwriting his campaign; this would be interesting to know.


Published by Rachel Wolff

I am a Global Voice dedicated to promoting world wide equal rights, civil rights, human rights. I believe that Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect.

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